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JRTG is an ultra-high-performance SNMP poller. JRTG is a drop-in replacement for the RTG poller and addresses several deficiencies therein. JRTG is written in Java and uses SNMP4J to poll devices and MySql, Postgres, or Oracle drivers for database insertion. JRTG also implements MBeans for remote management of the JRTG process using jconsole which is distributed with Java. Visit the JRTG Project page on Sourceforge here for additional information. Javadoc for JRTG is available here.


Getting Started


Most of the configuration options for JRTG are in the config/config.properties file.
SNMPTimeout The SNMP timeout in milliseconds.
pollerThreads Number of threads used to poll targets.
pollCycle Seconds between poll cycles.
DBDriverClassName Database driver class used to insert values.
DBDriverName Short name of DBDriver instance used as a prefex for configuration values and JMX identity.

JRTG supports a plethora of database configurations and database driver options.
The DBBuffer is a DBDriver which buffers database inserts to an internal memory buffer, and then passes them along to a delegate. The DBBuffer fully supports multi-threading.
[DBDDriverName].delegateName The short name of the DBDriver instance to which the DBBuffer delegates inserts to.
[DBDDriverName].inserterThreads The number of threads simultaneously inserting values.
[DBDDriverName].bufferSize The size of the buffer.
[DBDDriverName].lullDelay The amount of time in milliseconds, during which no further inserts have occurred, to commit any uncommitted transactions.
The RTGDBDriver inserts records into a relational database using the schema generated by an instance of RTG / TargetMaker.
[DBDDriverName].connectionURL The JDBC URL for the database connection.
username The database username.
password The database password.
commitAfter The number of inserts, after which to commit the transaction.
Command-line options
The included run.bash and run.bat files include a number of options for the Java Virtual Machine. Refer to the Java Virtual Machine documentation for additional options.
-Xmx100M Allow a maximum of 100 Megabytes of heap size. If using DBBuffer, the amount of memory should be sized appropriately for the buffer size and number of targets in each device.
-classpath The classpath should point to JRTG poller.jar, SNMP4J.jar, and the jar file for the JDBC driver.
-Djdbc.drivers The class names of the available JDBC drivers.
-Djava.util.logging.config.file Points to the location of the Java logging configuration file.
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false Disables JMX SSL transport.
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=8181 Assigns port 8181 for JMX traffic. Choose a port not already in use or convenient for passing traffic through a firewall.
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false Disables JMX authentication. Refer to the JMX documentation for increased security.

The config/log.properties contains the options for JRTG logging. JRTG utilizes the standard Java logging utilities which are customizable via this file and via JMX at runtime. Refer to the Java Logging Overview for more information. By default JRTG logs are written to the log directory, up to 10 files of 10 Megabytes each. The JRTG default logging level is INFO. The valid logging levels are SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, and FINEST.

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